OnlineDrawingUK client update
As we are all aware COVID-19 is in the spotlight at this moment, causing confusion and interruption around the world. Under Government Guidelines we are all been asked to stay at home as much as possible, and all non-essential workers are not permitted outdoors unless it is necessary. Although this is not a nice situation for anyone its important family’s stay calm and positive.
Online drawing uk has been serving client for over 10 years remotely, with our unique system of delivering great service without the need to visit your home. We have developed a system over the years to get the necessary information about your project and property from you. This allows us to give great advice straight form our architectural design team consisting of designers, technician, architects, project managers and technologists. Our clients have always been our eyes on site, and this help them understand their property and design requirements from the very start. Our technical sales team can guide you through initial assessment and survey phase, then get to the heart of what you want.
Local authorities across the UK have set up to work from home so planning application can be made and assessed as normal. Building control can also accept and assess building regulations drawings as normal. The main issue will be larger more complicated construction projects which will need a lot of consultants and the committee to visit sites and sit meetings.
Online drawing UK do not condone new build sites operating at the risk to builders and suppliers, minor site for extension etc should be made safe for the client and works halted until things settle down.
We wish everyone to keep safe during these trying times and we are available if you want to discuss improving your home.
Everyone at the Online Drawing Team
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